
Showing posts from February, 2022


  Companion Hurry, hurry, were we going to make it in time? Hurry, hurry, she had been pushing for several hours before I received a call from the night nurse on maternity that the fetal head was no longer advancing.  Hurry, hurry, call the mechanician to start the generator, call the nurse anesthetist to do the spinal, call the nurse to first assist. Hurry, hurry, get her IVs in, fluid running, labs drawn, foley placed, abdomen scrubbed. Make the cuts, get the baby out, stop the bleeding. Sew the layers, oh wow, were we going to make it in time? Hurry, hurry! The moment I finished closing the fascia, I turned the needle driver over to my assist and fled the OR as fast as I could. I wasn’t sure if it was the vomit or the diarrhea I felt welling up inside of me who would win. Hurry! Hurry! As fast as I could, I hobbled home to the toilet that would be a close companion for the next few days. Illnesses are ever pressing close to us here. Thankfully, since doctors usually make ho...